Can the design of my workplace improve staff well-being?

Posted On: 14/10/2014 | In the Category: News, Office interior design

Studies show that our working environment has a huge impact not only on the way we work, but also on how we think and behave…  Whether it’s too noisy, lack of natural light, no room to move around, the temperature or unsuitable furniture, what may appear to be a slight niggle to one person can have a major effect on the performance of another.

Creating a working environment that promotes positive feelings and improves productivity is obvious to most organisations, yet it is surprising how few workplaces are currently designed with these benefits in mind. Lighting, temperature, acoustics, space and furniture all have an effect on staff well-being and subsequently their productivity.

Whilst we appreciate that you can’t please everyone, making sure that your workplace has an efficient, comfortable layout, with space for employees to take a break, fit-for-purpose furniture, good lighting levels and temperature controls, will almost certainly increase staff well-being and therefore increase productivity.

Contact us for more information on workplace interior design and the benefits to staff well-being.

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