Category: office refurbishment

The paperless office – reality or still a pipe dream?

As a result we find that the issue of office storage varies enormously from one environment to another.
Is your office shouting no?
For every client who needs very little there are others for whom the ability to access files for every…

Getting to know you…

Only when we’ve identified your requirements can we plan the most appropriate environment; offering advice and suggestions on design, layout, lighting, flooring and helping you choose and install office furniture so that your space looks great!
Have you reviewed your competitors’…

Breaking down barriers…

When embarking on a recent office refurbishment, we worked very closely with the client on the layout of the office and equally as important, the furniture solution; specifying desk shapes, seating and layouts that would not only promote communication between…

Finding it difficult to recruit top talent?

Creating a workplace that promotes positive feelings and improves productivity is essential for any organisation, yet it’s surprising how few companies design their office space with these benefits in mind.  Lighting, acoustics, décor, furniture even the state of the washrooms can all…

When was the last time you took a lunch break?

Increasingly more and more employers are seeing the benefits, not only of creating a separate kitchen area within the workspace, but also of providing a space where staff can go to relax and eat their lunch or simply grab a…

Time to take control of those office irritations…

These might seem insignificant in isolation, but combined they can try the patience of a saint!  With increased competition and rising costs, businesses should look to address such issues sooner rather than later to avoid a loss in productivity and/or…

What are the holidays like in your office?

If your staff are sitting in a dull uninviting workplace, with overflowing storage cabinets and damaged office furniture, they may be thinking of moving on…
Holiday packing remind you of anything?
We believe it’s up to you to give them a space…

Does your office still look the same as the day you moved in?

Why not take a good look around your office, what is it saying to you? It might be that your workplace is great, productivity is up and all you’re seeing are happy motivated staff, in which case, you don’t need…

From railway arches to a Grade II listed building…

To complete the move, tastecard employed our services to fit out the former barn with a modern look whilst still retaining the building’s architectural features.  Our brief was to produce an inspiring, creative office interior that would motivate and encourage,…

How can I increase office space without relocating?

By introducing a mezzanine floor to your premises you can almost double the space available to you and create a fantastic new environment, all at a much lower cost than moving somewhere new. They can be designed around your existing…